GLA atau Gamma Linolenic Acid.
ok, jadi mak dan ayah saya baru start makan Vitamin-vitamin Shaklee yang saya poskan pada mereka.
Set yang saya berikan pada mereka ialah Set A,SET A ni untuk mendapat kesihatan yang optimum dan yang mempunyai masalah kencing manis, darah tinggi dan kolestrol, tambah GLA
Apa kandungan dalam Set A:-
1. B Compleks
2. Vitelea
3. Vitamin C
4. GLA
ok, masa mula-mula sampai vitamin ni dah dah skip breakfast dan lunch..
jadi ma dan ayah saya start makan malam..
untuk malam, makan GLA jer...
Esok nya saya call la ma, tanya dah start makan ke cakap dah makan..
okla kan...jadi ma kate lepas makan GLA malam tu...pagi nya ma rase cergas...
Alhamdulillah....baru satu biji...tapi memang tahu rase badan dia rasa lebh cergas..
Apa itu GLA;-
Asid linolenik gama di gunakan ramai wanita utnuk memelihara kesihatan sepanjang kitaran haid setiap buan. GLA merupakan sejenis asid lemak Omega-6 yang digunakan oleh badan kita untuk membentuk prostaglandin-bahan berkesan berupa hormon yang membantu badan mengawal atur proses badan yang normal. Minyak benih bunga matahari adalah salah satu lagi sumber asid lemak Omega-6. ia mengandungi vitamin -E yang membantu melindungi dinding arteri dan menyokong sistem imun dengan memelihara integriti sel.
- menggalakkan kesihatan semasa kitaran haid
- menyokong sistem imun
- minyak Borage, yang mengandungi GLA semulajadi yang sangat pekat dam bentuk yang mudah serap.
- kandungan 60 biji - untuk 2 bulan
Anda berada ingin mendapatkan konsultasi mengenai masalah kesihatn yang anda hadapi
atau ingin mendapatkan harga vitamin dengan harga ahli
email saya
atau whatsapp me 0193439341
sedikit bacaan mengenagi GLA
Gamma Linolenic Acid is a fatty substance, most commonly found in evening primrose oil. It is an Omega-6 fatty acid, or EFA. EFA’s are called essential because your body needs them for health but they cannot be manufactured by the body, they must be ingested. They are important for brain development, skin and hair growth and help keep the metabolism working. EFA’s come in Omega-3′s and Omega-6′s and both are vital for good health.
There are several different Omega-6 EFA’s, with the predominance of those being unhealthy as they show a tendency to promote inflammation. GLA appears to work differently, as it reduces inflammation.
How does this relate to weight loss? Studies have thus far been mixed as to its efficacy. A 12 week, double blind study consisting of 100 overweight patients compared the effectiveness of evening primrose oil to a placebo. There was no statistical difference in either group. A second study with a smaller number of individuals, all of whom had a family history of obesity, seemed to show more promising results.
Some believe that GLA increases the metabolic rate, the rate at which your body can burn calories. No study has proven this conclusively, however. GLA is classified as safe for most people, although it can cause diarrhea. It can also slow the clotting of blood, and the use of GLA should be mentioned to your doctor.
Because this supplement has not been proven to be effective, you should proceed with caution. Check with your physician before you use it. We still recommend that you watch your diet and exercise levels carefully to achieve the best results for weight loss. - sumber diet in review
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